Quirk renew 12 month contract with Waitrose



September 19, 2017

SUPERMARKET giant Waitrose has recently agreed a 12 month contract with leading UK exponents of wargaming Quirk Solutions, which will see them using wargaming to help test future projects in order to ensure that they ultimately get things right for their customers. Richard Napthine, Head of Change Delivery at Waitrose recently spoke of the interaction between Quirk Solutions and the team at Waitrose to date:

“We have been using Quirk Solutions for about a year or so now. They’ve really, really helped us in pressure testing our plans for the various transformation projects we have running right across the business. We’re calling them in at the point at which we think we have a pretty good idea of any given project; what it looks like and what it needs to do. They’ve been fantastic in helping us test and stress test those plans and make sure they are much stronger; much more complete.”

“They’ve encouraged us to involve a broad range of people in the reviews, from suppliers, our supplier partners, people across the business, our experts in technology and subject matter experts to really make sure we have a 360 view of what that particular transformational project looks like; everything from the technology, the people aspects, the process, the change and ultimately what it is trying to achieve and to deliver to the business. They run the sessions very, very well….time is precious for people and we get a hell of a lot out of the participants on either side and also the risks, the issues and the actions that are created. Chris and his team have fitted in really well with how we do things at Waitrose and culturally they are brilliant. As a result, I have much higher confidence in our plans and knowing that our projects will deliver for us and for the business.”

Watch Richard Napthine’s testimonial about the work with Quirk Solutions

Wargaming is a methodology used to stress test and evaluate plans before committing resources into action, therefore maximising success rates and minimising financial and time losses. Quirk Solutions are the UK’s leading wargaming specialists offering solutions to many large organisations including Shell, BUPA, Heineken, Standard Life Investments and a wide range of SME businesses.

Speaking following the signing of the contract, Chris Paton, Managing Director of Quirk Solutions, said the latest contract will help to build on the previous 12 months of collaboration between the two companies.

“We at Quirk Solutions have been working with senior officials in Waitrose for 12 months now and we are delighted to see the relationship continue. It is wonderful to have an opportunity to continue working with such progressive and forward thinking people.”

Mr Paton a former Lieutenant Colonel in the Royal Marines and former advisor to Cabinet and the National Security Council established Quirk Solutions in 2010 and uses his leadership, strategy and planning experience to give organisations increased coherency, direction and efficiency.

“Wargaming is all about identifying risks and opportunities within company strategies and ensuring that the success of such plans are maximised.”

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