
Concept of Intent | Podcast Episode 7

Have you heard of Intent? It’s a single understanding that leaders who want the best from the teams communicate. It’s a very brief written statement which combines your mission statement, your company objectives, your culture and values – distilled into 100 words that...

Confident and Courageous Leadership | Podcast Episode 8

Guest Presenter: Kate Philp, Quirk Solutions Associate and Leadership Trainer There is a subtle, but very important difference between courageous and confident decision-making. Both equally important as each other but, none the less, they can have significant impacts...

Empowering Your Team Through A Framework

In this video as part of our series ‘In Conversation with Chris Paton’ Chris discusses with Charlie the common misperception that in the military there is a strict top-down control hierarchy but in reality, the involvement of all team members is vital in operations....

Closed Loop Communication

In Conversation with Chris Paton and Charlie Wagstaff. In this video series, Chris discusses with Charlie how he has applied military techniques to the corporate world: Closed Loop Communication. Closed Loop Communication is a technique used by the military that...

The Sprint Box Methodology Within Agile

In Conversation with Chris Paton and Charlie Wagstaff. In this video series Chris discusses with Charlie how he has applied military techniques to the corporate world: The Sprint Box Methodology Within Agile. When using the Sprint methodology there is an active...

The Difference Between Military and Commercial Leadership

‘In Conversation with Chris Paton’ is a video series where Chris Paton and Charlie Wagstaff discussed a range of topics, from Chris’s military experience to how he adapt that to the commercial world. In this video, they explore the different leadership techniques and...

The Benefits of Creating an Instant Culture of Trust

In this video series, Chris discusses with Charlie how he has applied military techniques to the corporate world. The Benefits of Creating an Instant Culture of Trust. In this video from the series ‘In Conversation with Chris Paton’ we discuss ‘The Benefits of...

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